Your body is built and designed to heal itself; not hurt itself. Your body hasn't been working against you... It's doing what you're allowing it the freedom to do.
Take a moment, sit back and physically let go of anything you may be holding. Now, look down at your hands. Are they balled up into fists? Are they limp? Are they open... laying palms up or palms down? All of these positions symbolize, represent and facilitate feelings, thoughts, your physical-emotional current wellbeing and your emotional status.
Understanding Yourself
Give yourself the next 7 DAYS and reintroduce yourself to yourself.
Pay attention to how you see yourself, your body language, how often you smile... how you nourish yourself and fuel your body. Notice your sleep pattern.. your sleep routine... your bedtime routine and how you start the day. Use the next 7 days and court yourself; learn to find all aspects of yourself interesting. Get a journal... and write what you're noticing. How much of your day is all work or all play. How much of the day are you moving around.

Wake with the Sun, a Healing Method
Whether you get up with the sun, before the sun... or sleep through the sunrise.
Take the time and soak in the morning's first rays of sunlight. Doing this resets your body while waking up parts of yourself that may be sleep walking and auto-pilot. The morning's bright light jumpstarts your body's alertness. The more you do this practice, the more your body realigns its sleeping, internal clock helping you to wake up earlier over time. You will begin to find yourself in the flow. Light is the most powerful environmental signal that resets your sleep-wake cycle. Without this sunlight, your circadian rhythm can drift out of sync with the 24-hour day. Signs of feeling "out of it" not "in the flow" and dysregulation may develop.
Retrain your Body to Heal in its Sleep
You're not alone if you have poor sleep habits and routines.
Wether you're using sleep as an escape or viewing it as the enemy to getting things done. Sleep is an integral part to recovery and healing. Your body CANNOT function without proper amounts of deep sleep. If you've been suffering with insomnia or fight falling into bed or sleep... You can RETRAIN yourself to RELEARN to sleep. Your body may have an aversion to sleep from repeated cycles of stress, ptsd, anxiety or depression. Quieting your mind and circles of self talk will keep you awake or worse falling into disruptive sleep; where you doze in and out of sleep leaving you feeling hungover the next day.

Suggestion to Poor Sleeping
First you have to develop a sleep routine.
Know what time you plan to be in bed; just like you know what time you set your alarm to wake up. If you're waking up at a set time, brush your teeth, grab your coffee and head to the porch to journal or grab your workout clothes to head to the gym, YOUR SLEEP - bedtime routine needs just as much discipline. How you begin your day is as important as how you CHOOSE to end your day.
The Sleep Exercise to Heal while Sleeping
This 20 minute practice will revolutionize your life.
Roll out your yoga mat or build yourself a pallet of blankets on the floor. Grab some socks, shut the door... and set your alarm for 30 minutes. Pull out your phone and press listen to a yoga nidra podcast session. If you have kids, dogs or a noisy roommate... live in an apartment with others, share a college dorm room or share space with others on shift (military, first responders, etch)... grab your headphones and put them on. You're about to embark on a guided, deep relaxation form of meditation. This journey will place your physical body in soft spot of healing without doing any work.

I'm afraid
It's normal to be reluctant to healing. It's normal to have an aversion to doing something different. It's normal to have resistance... It's humanly normal to be dubious and scared... to put it off and say... maybe another time. Are you afraid?
The Science of Holistic Healing
Clinical studies have shown there are many holistic practices that facilitate healing. The only way to access these forms of internal healing is to begin the process through intentional practices. Practices like journaling, yoga nidra, mediation and pranayama.

Access Healing through Action
While we are intuitively wired to bring about the benefits of the practices, you can't access them without first doing them.
Because change requires action, I suggest beginning with yoga nidra... It's a holistic modality that requires you to relax and tune in. There is no physical aspects required, no knowledge of yoga, meditation or pranayama (breathing techniques). There's no need to understand where you're at... or how you're feeling. You don't have to answer any questions or dig deep.
Yoga Nidra unlocks the healing knowledge within you. It's that easy.
Polly Behringer
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A little about my training in Yoga Nidra. I studied in a specialized program at an ashram in the US, then went to India and dove deeper into the modalities surrounding Yoga Nidra. I've been working with yoga nidra for over a decade in a professional field and have donated my time to those in the service of our country and state, pro athletes and teens struggling in low income and high crime areas.