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Your body will shift and move to release trauma stored in the muscles, tissues and organs of your body. You will feel tension easing and releasing. Every session will begin with a grounding process through pranayama (your breath) allowing the process of releasing what's holding you back & the tension you feel in your body to be easily accessed. 


These sessions will leave you feeling more relaxed, peaceful, calm and a heightened sense of clarity. You will feel lighter and less physically restrictive. Benefits from each session is accumulative; each session continues to add up. You'll go deeper with each new session.



  • Immediate relief from physical tension

  • Full body & mental reset

  • Reduces signs / symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD

  • Realigns your your body (from emotional & physical trauma)

  • Perfect for high end physical performers & professional athletes

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BioField Therapy

This is an IN PERSON SESSION ONLY. Many recipients of this process feel an incredible surge of creativity, clarity and purpose. Some explain their experience as a spiritual, peaceful feeling and others explaining as a feeling of levitation. 

DURING this powerful energetic realignment of your spine, hips and pelvis, you will feel you spine decompress and create space between each vertebra. There is no physical manipulation. Feelings of euphoria and floating as your spine elongates. Your body will organically move, elongate, stretch and compress to restructure itself. AND there is no pain or discomfort during or after the session. BENEFITS are immediate.

During the session, I'll feel the blockages and pains in my body that is present in yours. We'll be able to move through and work to remove them. This raises your life force energy. I'll receive information that relates to experiences causing the blockages and dis-ease in your body. Some of the information will be about physical conditions that are either in the process of becoming a chronic illness or has already manifested into one. 

I use my gifts as a Babaylan to provide my clients with a different form of reading. While you may ask for information and insight on one topic... you will find yourself being led deeper to the root of your questions. There will be times where a vision will accompany a reading to help you recognize your own personal power and our deep connection to energetic resonance. Nothing is coincidence. In these sessions, you will receive intuitive guidance based on foresight, and voices from the spirit realm.

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Babaylans are filipino shaman who has the ability to mediate with the spirit world, has her own spirit guides, and is given gifts of healing, foretelling, and insight. With my knowledge of healing therapies and my ability to read energy, I'll be able to help provide information to help you.

Yoga Nidra is a nonphysical form of deep relaxation. During this guided relaxation modality, you will experience your physical body, energetic body, breath, mind and true sense of peace conjoin back to it's natural state of being one. Benefits of this practice are immediate.


Wether your yoga nidra is in a group or private session, the process and the benefits are the same. This modality is typically combined with intuitive guidance session, trauma release session, psychic reading or energetic spinal realignment session but can be done as a stand alone session. 

yoga nidra modality


  • Yoga nidra allows you to access delta brainwaves, which are responsible for the healing and restoration that happens in your body during deep sleep. Activating delta brainwaves during yoga nidra allows your mind and body to rest while you're awake.

  • Studies have found that the Yoga Nidra practice (or “state”) appears to reflect an integrated response by the hypothalamus, resulting in decreased sympathetic (excitation) nervous activity and increased parasympathetic (relaxation) function.


  • activates the pineal gland.

  • produces changes in endogenous dopamine release and cerebral blood flow

  • promotes the removal of excess cortisol (stress hormone) from the system, which can weaken the hippocampus, and makes us vulnerable to depression and anxiety.

  • both Gaba and Serotonin are naturally released in the body during the session, creating both anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effects.

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