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Pranayama: Breathing Basics

  • 11 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


This is a beginner's program in breathing. This program helps you understand the importance of your breath in relation to your physical, mental & emotional wellbeing. You will learn what type of breather you are; where you are breathing from... and the depth of your breath. This program will teach you to expand your lung capacity by 7 times, find mental clarity, alter and control your moods and help you stay present. This course is perfect for anyone struggling with being present, limited lung capacity, dealing with depression, anxiety and ptsd. If you are living a high stressed life or have chosen a high stressed occupation, this course is filled with steps to help you or someone you know.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
4 Plans Available
From $333.00/month + $25.00 1 time payment set up fee + materials


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